January Newsletter

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a fun, safe and relaxing holiday! Wishing you all the best in 2019.

It is still very cold outside. Please make sure your child comes to school with warm attire (i.e., hat, mittens, snow pants, extra socks, etc). 

In Language, we are working on sounding out words to create sentences. I am reminding the children to use their personal dictionaries and word wall to help them. We will be starting descriptive writing soon! For example, describing popcorn with our five senses. What does popcorn look, feel, taste, sound and smell like. Please continue to read with your child at home, practice weekly word wall words, and write in their journals! If you have any questions about the homework folder please do not hesitate to call me at school!

In Math, we are finishing up 2-D shapes and moving onto time. We have reviewed and learned a variety of 2D shapes and how many sides/vertices they have. They have also learned how to sort shapes by geometric properties (by number of sides). Next, we will be learning how to tell time on analogue and digital clocks to the hour and half-hour (grade 1's) and quarter time (grade 2's). 

In Science, Grade 1's have completed the structures unit and Grade 2's have completed the simple machines unit. This first week back to school, Grade 1's have started exploring matter and energy in our lives. Grade 2's have started exploring different properties of liquids and solids. We cannot wait for some fun experiments. Ask your child about what they are learning in science at home!

In Religion, the grade 2's have started sacrament preparation for their first communion. Important dates for this will be coming soon. As a class, we have been learning about families and what we like to do with our families. We have also read stories and discussed ways to get along with our friends and siblings. 

I have attached your child's username and password for Zorbits in the front of their agenda. This is a math website they can practice a number of different skills on at home.

Important Dates in January:

January 14th-18th- Kindergarten Registration
January 24th- Spirit Day (Theme to come soon)
January 25th- PD Day


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