
Showing posts from February, 2019

March Newsletter

February has come and gone... very quickly!! February was a short and fun month in Grade 1/2. We celebrated Valentine's Day (I hope you all loved the picture I printed of your child), Winter Play Day, National Sweater Day (Grade 1's were happy St. Michael's saved energy!), Family Day and focused a lot on being kind. February is a month of spreading love and showing kindness to others. Grade 1/2's have done a great job at that! If March is going to be anything like February please continue to send your child to school with snow pants, hats, mittens, etc. to stay warm at recess.  We really enjoy going to the chapel every Wednesday for meditation with Mrs. Levasseur. It helps them take some quiet time to themselves, reflect and get in the green zone for learning. #BEWELL In Language, we are still working on sounding out words to create sentences. I am reminding the children to use taught strategies, their personal dictionaries and word wall to help them. In March,  we wi

February Newsletter

We have had an awesome start to 2019 year in Grade 1/2! January was a very long and cold month so we are happy February is finally here! We are getting back into the swing of things in class. We are trying to remember to put our shoes, hats, mittens, etc. in our bins so we can always find them when needed. We are also working on keeping our classroom is neat, tidy and organized everyday. We have started meditation every Wednesday in the chapel with Mrs. Levasseur. It is a great way for your child to start the second part of their day. It helps them take some quiet time to themselves, reflect and get in the green zone for learning. #BEWELL In Language, we are working on sounding out words to create sentences. I am reminding the children to use their personal dictionaries and word wall to help them. We have wrote a descriptive  writing piece for if they were stuck in a snow globe. They used their five senses and wrote about what they would feel, see, smell, taste and hear. We have le