March Newsletter

February has come and gone... very quickly!!

February was a short and fun month in Grade 1/2. We celebrated Valentine's Day (I hope you all loved the picture I printed of your child), Winter Play Day, National Sweater Day (Grade 1's were happy St. Michael's saved energy!), Family Day and focused a lot on being kind. February is a month of spreading love and showing kindness to others. Grade 1/2's have done a great job at that! If March is going to be anything like February please continue to send your child to school with snow pants, hats, mittens, etc. to stay warm at recess. We really enjoy going to the chapel every Wednesday for meditation with Mrs. Levasseur. It helps them take some quiet time to themselves, reflect and get in the green zone for learning. #BEWELL

In Language, we are still working on sounding out words to create sentences. I am reminding the children to use taught strategies, their personal dictionaries and word wall to help them. In March, we will be focusing on stories and going more into depth on important parts of a story (characters, setting, problem, etc). After learning about the important parts of a story, we will be focusing on persuasive writing. Please continue to read with your child at home, practice weekly word wall words, and write in their journals! If you have any questions about the homework folder please do not hesitate to call me at school!

In Math, we just finished learning about time and money. Your child learned and practiced the names of different coins and how to add them together (ex. 1 nickle + 1 dime= 15 cents or 5 dollars + 6 dollars = 11 dollars). They loved using the smart board and participating in centres when adding up coins and bills to create different values/amounts! In March, we are learning about place value (ex. the number 25 has two groups of ten and 5 ones).

At home, pick a number and ask your child to represent it using tens and ones (ex. grab some manipulatives to practice, forks can represent the tens and marshmallows can represent the ones)! Please continue to practice counting forwards and backwards with your child at home.

In Science, Grade 1's are still learning about energy in our lives! We have discussed what energy is, energy chains, different sources of energy and are currently doing an experiment with two plants. We are watering two plants everyday but only one is getting sunlight. We are making predictions and recording the data every week! Ask your child what changes they have seen so far and why. They have also pretended to go on a camping trip and discussed what we can use and can't use. Example, you can't use lights but you can use a flashlight! Grade 2's are exploring different properties of liquids, solids and gases. We have done a couple fun experiments. We just mixed water and cornstarch together and they couldn't believe it could be two different states of matter at the same time. They observed that if you squeeze the mixture tightly, the particles are close and it was a solid. If you let your hands go it would become a liquid because the particles are no longer close together. We love exploring with solids, liquids and gases!

In Religion, the grade 2's have started sacrament preparation for their first communion. We have read stories and discussed ways to get along with our friends and siblings. February 18th-22nd was kindness week, so we will be focusing on how to be kind to our friends, family, and ourselves! We created kindness wallets and we are filling them up!

I have attached your child's username and password for Zorbits in the front of their agenda. This is a math website they can practice a number of different skills on at home.

Important Dates in March:

  • March 4th - Monthly Assembly (Gospel value = LOVE)
  • March 5th - Shrove Tuesday
  • March 6th - Ash Wednesday liturgy
  • March 8th - Rocks and Rings (Curling) Workshops
  • March 8th - Family Movie Night @ 6:00 pm
  • March 11th to 15th - March Break


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